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For women who are embarrassed with the appearance of their external genitalia, whether by large or asymmetrical labia majora or minora, Labiaplasty can greatly transform the external appearance of the vagina. Over-sized labia may cause chronic irritation, potentially painful intercourse, and the inability to wear tight clothing.

For years, male sexual dysfunction has been widely addressed by the pharmaceutical companies promoting medications for erectile dysfunction. As more women are learning about aesthetic gynecological procedures such as Vaginal Rejuvenation or Labiaplasty, the trend of women becoming more comfortable with addressing issues related to sexual self-confidence has risen exponentially.

Genetics, aging, childbirth or any combination of the three can determine the size of the labia minora and majora, or inner and outer lips of the vulva. Types of labiaplasty include:

  • Labiaplasty

    A labiaplasty is a surgical procedure that removes the excess tissue from the labia, correcting size as well as any asymmetry. Typically performed as an outpatient procedure under local or general anesthesia, most patients are able to return to regular activity within a few days and sexual activity in 6-8 weeks.

  • Augmentation Labiaplasty

    For patients who have labia that are too thin, Augmentation Labiaplasty can either restore or add volume to the labia using the patient's own body fat. This procedure may also be used to correct asymmetry.

Improving the external appearance of the vagina could not only help with any chronic irritation, it may improve sexual sensation during intercourse, affecting both the female and her partner.

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